Angel Broking has upgraded its rating on Petronet LNG to buy rating with a target price of Rs 90 in its May 9, 2008 research report. "Dahej expansion to 12.5 mmtpa (current 6.5 mmtpa) is slated to come on stream July onwards in a phased manner. Expanded capacity will help Petronet process more Spot volumes till the 2.5mmtpa contracted supplies from Qatar commence October 2009 onwards. For the next 2-3 years, growth will primarily be driven by Spot LNG and the expanded capacity will benefit from the situation."
"The company is now also diversifying into different segments like power, port development, etc., which is expected to generate value over a period of time. We have valued Petronet on DCF methodology with a Cost of Equity of 15.2% (high as it is a high beta stock), Cost of Debt - 10% and WACC - 9.2%. The stock is currently available at 9.8x FY2010E EPS of Rs7.7. Based on our DCF valuation model, we upgrade the stock to a Buy, with a target price of Rs 90," says Angel's research report.
"The company is now also diversifying into different segments like power, port development, etc., which is expected to generate value over a period of time. We have valued Petronet on DCF methodology with a Cost of Equity of 15.2% (high as it is a high beta stock), Cost of Debt - 10% and WACC - 9.2%. The stock is currently available at 9.8x FY2010E EPS of Rs7.7. Based on our DCF valuation model, we upgrade the stock to a Buy, with a target price of Rs 90," says Angel's research report.
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