Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Second Gas Discovery in Deepwater Exploration Block in Krishna Basin

Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) has announced yet another discovery in exploratory block KG-OSN-2003/1 (KG-V-D3) of Krishna Basin. The deepwater block KG-DWN-2003/1 of NELP-V is situated 45 Kms away from the coast and covers an area of 3288 Sq. Km. This is the second gas discovery in this block. RIL holds 90% participating interest (PI) and Hardy Exploration and Production India Inc holds 10% of PI in the block.
The well KGVD3-B1 was drilled at a water depth of 711 m, to a total depth of 2730 m, with the objective of exploring high amplitude geobodies of Pliestocene deep water fan complex and unconformity related structural traps at Miocene level. Excellent qualities of reservoirs were encountered with gross hydrocarbon columns of around 111 meters. The potential of the zones was evaluated through wire-line based technology called Modular Dynamic Testing (MDT). This discovery namely Dhirubhai-41 has been notified to Government of India and Directorate General of Hydrocarbons. The potential commercial interest of the discovery is being ascertained through more data gathering and analysis.
In February 2008, RIL made first gas discovery in the same block and the discovery was named as Dhirubhai-39 and the notification of potential commercial discovery was submitted to Government of India and Directorate General of Hydrocarbons few days back.
About 70 per cent of this block is covered by 3D Seismic survey and further prospect analysis is underway. This discovery has established a petroleum system in the block, the extent of which is being analyzed. In the last quarter of this financial year (2007-08), RIL has made four discoveries, two in Krishna Basin Deep Waters, one in shallow waters of Krishna Basin and one in Mahanadi Basin.

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